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Planning a whole house renovation? Make the most of your space with a clever floor plan.

Your floor plan needs to be well thought out when planning a house renovation.

Homes come in all shapes and sizes and if not well thought out, floor plans can make the biggest of home feel small and the smallest of homes feel spacious. If you are planning a house renovation, you want to maximise your space and by considering a few elements of your floor plan this is easily achievable.

5 ways to make the most of your space:

  1. Multipurpose rooms. One room can potentially do multiple jobs, which may allow you to have larger more function rooms rather than multiple smaller rooms. For example you might not have an extra room for a study, but you could easily create a study nook with a screen or divider to close the area of if necessary. This is often a great way to maximise space and get the most usage out of all rooms in your home.
  2. Ceiling heights. One way to increase the impression of more space in your home is to increase your ceiling height.
  3. Open-plan living. Open plan reduces wasted space; there are a lot less unutilised spaces and corners left to gather dust. Consider at least making your living, kitchen and dining areas open plan to create an uncluttered, airy space. This not only maximises your floor plan, it makes the rooms that you spend time in a lot more functional! Use furniture and decorative items to distinctly separate rooms such as lamps in the living area and a chandelier over the dining table.
  4. Making the most of your outdoor space. Combining open plan living with outdoor alfresco areas creates a seamless space that suits every occasion. By making the most of your outdoor space you can create a complete extra living area, seamlessly. Think bi-fold or sliding doors from the kitchen to your patio that can be opened up to give you a whole extra room, perfect for the Queensland climate!
  5. Create enough storage. By increasing storage space you make the most of and usually increase your useable living areas. Here we have created a guide on how to for how to create storage space and maximise your floor space. Some things to think about include building shelves into walls, finding workarounds for those awkward corners or taking advantage of every free space.

AMS Property Renovations specialise in whole property makeovers and have all trades in house to fully manage your home renovation project.  Contact us today to discuss your home renovation project!
