So, you have decided to renovate your home. You might be asking yourself “where do I start?” Renovating is a big task and there are so many things to consider in order to make the renovation go smoothly, and finish on time and on budget. Below, we have listed 5 key considerations when renovating your house.
Think of your existing house or home as a prototype
Any renovation plan needs to be based on the architecture of your house or home. For example, if you have an old house, you should understand that it is made up of design features that are typical of period homes. So when renovating this type of home you’ll want to include all the modern conveniences whilst preserving the home’s character.
Think of any future ongoing renovations your house will need in the next few years.
It is important to think of future renovations whilst renovating your house because this will allow you to incorporate these into your plan. For example, if you intend on adding a pool, or extension, consider whether you can do this now or if you have to wait another year and save more for it.
Think about your local council
Before beginning your renovation, consider what approvals you will need from the local council. This will help to avoid any expensive and time-consuming delays during your project. For example, if you are renovating your kitchen and bathroom, you might need a plumbing or gas license depending on what work you are carrying out.
Think about the home’s history
Any heritage restrictions on your property could hinder the design or style of your home. For some homes, it may be possible to change the style of the house, but for others, certain designs may not be possible.
Ensure that your plan and budget are realistic and correct
It is important to ensure that you are able to meet your financial obligations for your renovations as you can’t do this if you leave it too late.
For more information on renovating your home, check out our other articles on our blog!