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3 design considerations for modern living

There are so many things to think about when designing your dream home; incorporating modern living elements into the design can only add more confusion!

Regardless of the style of your home, it is possible include modern features to make enhance your living spaces and your lifestyle.

To help get you started, we suggest three key design considerations for modern living.

3 modern living must haves

1.     Technology ready homes

Our lives are embroiled with smart technology so it only makes sense to incorporate this into your home. Wireless and remote access controls for electronics, lights, blinds and air conditioning as well as built in wireless chargers make life easier – the exact reason smart technology was created!

2.     Minimalism

Clutter causes chaos and frustration. Shelves, cupboards and appliances built into the walls gives you more space to move around freely and keep you calm. Consider wall recesses for TV’s to have your TV flush to the wall, hiding cables and recesses in bathrooms to store all your hair and beauty products neatly and tidily and study nooks to keep your work and homework stations separate from your lounge, kitchen or dining areas.

Keeping the aesthetics of your home clean and appliances camouflaged as much as possible creates a modern, polished look.

3.     Energy efficiency

Reducing energy usage is a prominent design consideration for modern homes. Consider low energy LED lighting, green appliances and eco friendly heating and cooling options. Energy efficient homes can save money during construction and for the life of the home. They are designed specifically for their climate; ensuring a comfortable temperature is easily maintained all year round without relying on air conditioning. Energy efficient homes also tend to be healthier homes; with an abundance of natural light and quality ventilation.

Designing a modern family home has a lot of considerations but the end result will be worth it! You will appreciate the little extra time spent on these considerations that will make your life easier and more comfortable; as well as potentially increasing the value of your home.
